Keynote Speaker
When Rey Grandoit speaks, people listen. Rey has a unique gift of captivating young people's attention. He is a storyteller who helps his audiences see themselves in the story.
In each story there is always a lesson. Students are inspired to reflect on their own lives and seek opportunities to become the best version of themselves despite their circumstances.
Pain to Purpose
Beyond Limitations
Lead Yourself First
Motivating Students to Reach for Greatness
Rey teaches students how to understand the pain they feel and find purpose in that pain. Students gain a fresh perspective of hope so they can handle and cope with their problems and understand how to turn their problems into opportunities.
Gain a fresh perspective on how to view negative situations.
Understand how to increase your G.P.A. (Gratitude, Perspective, Attitude) in order to excel in life.
Wake up with a great attitude and expect grand things to happen in your life.
Students learn techniques on how to view life differently. They are inspired to approach life with new found wisdom and principles that they can apply in every area of their life in order to go beyond their limitations.
Success is a journey, not a destination.
Learn how to target your limited beliefs so you can move forward in life.
Believe in the inner YOU! There is greatness inside of you!
Students are taught a unique way to think differently. In order to become a leader, students learn how to lead themselves first. Students can start changing their mindset right now! Having the right mindset creates a life we want.
Gain understanding about your vision.
See your vision clearly so you can create the mission.
Learn the principles of execution.
Helping students adjust their perspective and shape their mindset.
Students across the country are positively impacted by a message of overcoming adversity, achieving greatness, and using their abilities to going beyond limitations. Rey speaks at elementary, middle school, high school, colleges and universities.