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Inspiring students to take ownership of their life so they can keep going and keep growing.
Rey Grandoit in a wheelchair raising his hands up in victory. He is wearing a purple Own Your Inspiration sweatshirt.
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 Own Your Inspiration inspires students to celebrate life despite their circumstances, abilities and adversities. We strive to help young people take on a positive mindset and perspective so they can move forward towards greatness.


Keynote Speaker, Author

Rey always had dreams of playing in the NBA and being the CEO of his own company.


At the young age of 14, Rey contracted spinal meningitis, which left him in a coma for several weeks, paralyzing him from the waist down. He quickly became wheelchair bound. 


This changed Rey's life completely, but not his dreams or aspirations. He saw paralysis as a blessing. He was still alive and able to do everything that anyone else could, just differently. At the age of 16 he became an entrepreneur and started his own clothing line.


Rey has experienced many medical complications since becoming paralyzed. Even when he was on bed rest in the hospital for a year at a time, he was determined to keep going. Throughout his life Rey has dealt with depression and much adversity. Rey is able to keep going because he keeps his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the center of his life.


Today Rey inspires and motivates students to own the inspiration inside of them and to keep going and growing no matter what life looks like!

Rey and students holding I Believe posters
Rey Grandoit with a crowd of young students at school.
Rey Grandoit speaking to college students at Springfield Technical Community College.
Rey speaking to young people at a leadership conference.
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The Boston Globe logo in black
Diverseability Magazine Logo in black
MBE Logo in black


Your students will be inspired to reflect on their own lives and seek opportunities to become the best version of themselves despite their circumstances.
Pain to Purpose. Rey in a wheelchair exercising his strength.

Pain to Purpose

Beyond Limitations. Rey in a wheelchair raising his hands in victory.

Beyond Limitations

Lead Yourself First. Rey in a wheelchair smiling and looking to the side.

Lead Yourself

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Order Rey's Book
My Legs May Be Paralyzed But My Mind Isn't

Feeling paralyzed spiritually, emotionally, mentally or physically?


At the age of 14, Rey Grandoit was told that he would never walk again. Through it all, Rey learned how to cope with his physical disability. Even though his legs became paralyzed, he did not let it affect his mind. Rey knew that God wanted him to be free from the bondage of self-doubt, depression, oppression and feeling as if his life was “less than” because of his physical condition.


In his book, My Legs May Be Paralyzed But My Mind Isn't, you'll get an introspective look into the life of one man who made a decision to live a purposeful life despite his circumstances.

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Book Cover titled My Legs May Be Paralyzed But My Mind Isn't by Rey Grandoit
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My legs may be paralyzed,


but my mind isn't.


Rey Grandoit

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